1.0 The Supporters Club's Year and Audit
1.1 The Supporters Club year shall run from 1 July to 30 June. Once in every year the accounts of the Supporters Club shall be prepared for presentation at an Annual General Meeting.
2.0 The Committee
2.1 The committee shall exist of not less than four (4) and not more than eight (8) adult members, elected by the membership of the Supporters Club.
2.2 The committee members will be fully subscribed members and be prepared to be actively involved in the activities of the Supporters Club.
2.3 Nominations for election to the committee proposed and seconded in writing or by email must be in the hands of the Secretary seven days prior to the appropriate meeting.
2.4 The committee will elect a Chairman from amongst its elected members.
2.5 The committee shall have the power to co-opt members to serve on the committee to fill vacancies. Any co-opted members will automatically retire at the next annual general meeting but may offer themselves for re-election.
Should the elected members fall below three (3), an Extraordinary General meeting shall be called to fill the outstanding vacancies.
2.6 Any committee member who fails to attend three consecutive committee meetings without reasonable explanation shall be deemed to have resigned.
2.7 The committee shall meet as and when necessary to discuss business.
2.8 The authority to pledge the credit of the Supporters Club to the extent of funds available and to enter into contracts or agreements and to make payments by or on behalf of the Supporters Club, is vested solely in the committee. The committee shall not commit the Supporters Club beyond the assets of the Supporters Club.
2.9 The committee shall have the power to create sub-committees for specific purposes.
3.0 General Meetings
3.1 An Annual General Meeting of the Supporters Club shall be held in each year at such a time and place as the committee shall determine, but within six (6) months of the end of each financial year.
3.2 Twenty-one days prior notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Supporters Club shall be given to members. Fourteen days prior notice will be given for Extraordinary General meetings.
3.3 At the Annual General Meeting of the Supporters Club, each committee member may offer themselves for re-election, or resign. Co-opted members will automatically retire but may offer themselves for re-election. In the event of
more than 8 adult members wanting to be on the committee then a ballot will be held and the 8 with the highest number of votes will be deemed to have been elected.
3.4 Extraordinary General Meetings of the Supporters Club shall be held at such times as may be determined by the committee, or by written request of a minimum of 15, or 50% of adult members, whichever is the lower, of the Supporters Club.
3.5 At any meeting, voting shall be by show of hands or by ballot paper, whichever procedure is deemed more suitable by the Chairman. The Chairman shall have no vote at any meeting, except in the case of a tie.
3.6 The committee may invite any person to attend its Annual General or Extraordinary General Meetings in a non-voting capacity.
4.0 Committee Meetings
4.1 The Supporters Club committee shall meet at least four times in each calendar year, at such times and places as the committee shall determine.
4.2 The committee may invite any person to attend its meetings in a non-voting capacity.
4.3 Questions arising at a committee meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
5.0 Membership
5.1 Membership is open to any person who:
a) Is a supporter of Glossop North End AFC; or
b) Has an interest in the game of football in Glossop; and
c) Agrees to be bound by these rules and the constitution; and
d) Is not subject to any football related ban or disciplinary action.
5.2 The committee will decide and issue a form of application for membership. Members are to pay an annual subscription of such a sum and payment method as the Committee shall decide.
5.3 Every candidate will complete the membership form and agree to make payment as decided by the committee.
5.4 All applications and proposals may be considered by the committee at their discretion to decide whether the candidate should be accepted for membership.
5.5 Membership shall be renewable annually from 1 June each calendar year.
5.6 In the event of a member making payment to the Supporters Club for an excursion fare, match ticket or other organized event and subsequently failing to turn up, any repayment of the monies received will be at the discretion of
the committee.
5.7 If any payment made by a member is by cheque and is for any reason dishonoured upon presentation, then, in addition to making good any payment still due, the member concerned will be liable to meet any administrative or bank charges incurred in consequence of the cheque not being met at the first attempt.
5.8 The committee shall have the power to reprimand, suspend or expel any member who shall infringe any rule or whose conduct shall, in their opinion, render him/her unfit for membership, subject to the ratification of the next meeting of the committee. Before any such suspension the member concerned shall be given the right to explain his or her conduct to the committee. A suspended member shall forfeit all rights of membership during suspension. No expelled or suspended member will be entitled to the return of any part of his or her membership fee.
5.9 No member may use the name or title of the Supporters Club without the authority of the committee.
5.10 Other than travel arrangements made by the officials authorised for that purpose, no financial liability will be accepted by the Supporters Club for any transport arranged by the member or any group of members, nor will any
such arrangements fall within the scope of any insurance cover arranged by the Supporters Club.
6.0 Officers
6.1 The committee shall appoint a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and such other officers as they deem necessary, from amongst its elected members.
7.0 Quorum
7.1 The quorum at committee meetings of the Supporters Club shall not be less than four (4) members (one of which must be the Chairman or Secretary).
7.2 The quorum at Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings shall not be less than 15 members or 50% of the membership, whichever is the lower.
8.0 Finance
8.1 The Supporters Club shall have a general account at a bank to be determined by the committee and all cheques drawn on that account shall bear at least two of the signatures of the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
8.2 Separate accounts may be opened for specific purpose at the discretion of the committee, provided that a minimum of two signatures is always required.
8.3 The committee shall appoint another committee member as Assistant Treasurer in order for the accounts to be prepared for the Annual General Meeting, should the need arise.
9.0 Alterations
9.1 Alterations to these rules may only be made if the assent of a majority of those committee members present and voting is received at a special meeting of the committee convened for that specific purpose.
9.2 A resolution for the alteration of the rules shall be received by the Secretary at least seven clear days before the meeting of which clear notice in writing shall be given by the Secretary to the committee and shall include notice of
the alterations proposed.
9.3 Any such amendment shall subsequently be adopted or amended or repealed at the next general meeting of the supporters club by 75% of the members present who are entitled to vote.
10.0 Expulsion from the Committee
10.1 Committee members may be suspended or expelled from the committee for refusing to comply with the provisions of any of these rules or for any other cause deemed by the committee to justify such suspension or
10.2 Any expelled committee member will be ineligible for re-election for a period as determined by the committee. The decision will be given to the expelled member in writing, along with their right to appeal against the expulsion.
11.0 Relationship with the Football Club
11.1 The committee will represent the views of the membership by means of meetings with the football club.
11.2 The Supporters Club will be represented by one or all of the officers of the committee at such meetings.
12.0 Unspecified Matters
12.1 Any matter not covered by the above rules shall be dealt with by the committee.
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