January the 15th and were off to Colne on the mini bus of doom with its crew of piratical buccaneers and social misfits to watch the mighty Glossop North End probably lose again! Then disaster strikes, that most evil of communications, the text message, alerts of a pitch inspection, the harbinger of Saturday afternoons in Tescos or listening to Alan Green hating football - despite getting his corpulate frame in free to the biggest games of the season. A second communication confirms the worst, game postponed due to a waterlogged pitch, howls of anguish rang out across the borough, and church bells tolled the funeral peals. I put on my black suit and prepared for a day of domestic bliss with the loved one. Then slivers of hope in the darkness, we already have the mini bus rented; why not go to another game? Controversial new territory, could we carry off this cunning stunt and put GNE Supporters Club firmly on the map. the call comes through, 'hie thee to The Friendship for half twelve and high level discussion will take place with touching of bases, clear sky thinking and perhaps a pint. So the next issue, where to go? Suggestions rain down, Formby, AFC Liverpool, New Mills (the latter rejected in short order). Then the moment of clarity. Congleton are at home, the question is against whom? The answer is Padiham, and so the name on everyone's lips is CHOPPER!
The mighty Chopper provided us with our only entertainment on the first day of the season as Padiham rolled us over 3-0. The left back whose name we shouted and sang both home and away as six points went down the swanee and black humour was the only way to avoid a Jim Jones scenario (but with Vimto instead of Kool-Aid). Decision made and 16 hardy souls under Shifty's leadership set off from Glossop with high spirits, a can in hand, and a song in our hearts. A quick stop to pick up Frank and the obligatory 2 week wait at Mottram Moor and the Hoolievan was on the move with the classic sounds of punks greatest hits and a sing-along to The Sex Pistols. The countryside flew past the windows as we approched our target with only one stop for necessary fluid transfer and a suitable hostilary found. The confusion on the local's faces was palpable, as a coach load of giddy goats from Glossop doubled their takings in the space of an hour and re-enacted the Davis/Taylor final on the pool table. The old boy who regaled us with his tales of his youth and the mullet headed redneck told of drinking days gone by with tales of Jaegermeister and Absinthe all added much appreciated colour to the days proceedings. But time and tide stand for no man and it was time to get to Booth Street and sample the real ale on sale at the bar and check out the pies.
The clubhouse was welcoming and the beer on form, even Frank had nothing to moan about, the pie hut sold chips and gravy as well as a decent pie, and the bear statue on the bar is an excellent conversation piece. Much entertainment and fantastic banter we had with the locals. We had decided with our devotion to Chopper to support Padiham for the day and give them a cheer, the look of surprise on the players faces when they realised they had an away following was a joy to behold. The Chopper was on great form and seemed inspired by the chanting of his name and was all over the pitch in a good game. The final score of one each was a gentle on the home side that did well stick in the game after taking an early lead. But the day was all about the fun and the frolics and a good drink, the supporters and officials at Booth Street made us so welcome it was a pleasure to be there and a potentially dull Saturday was transformed into a magical mystery tour of strange sights and wonderful smells. And the greatest triumph of all was leaving the ground clutching a program signed not just by Chopper, but Choppers dad who was a gentleman in the truest sense. We hear that is Choppers 21st Birthday coming up and would like to wish him all the best!
So the final scores were: Congleton 1 Padiham 1, Sambucca 3 Bombay Sapphire 1, Strongbow 12 Kronenbourg 11. And a signed program to be the prize on the next Blue Bonnet Podcast.
Many Thanks to Nick Tansley for this brilliant reflection of the day.