Fancy Dress Away Day

As 'proper' football teams do, GNE supporters are going to have the chance to make complete fools of themselves before the season is out. The intention is to have the last but one away game as our fancy dress event of the year. As of today this will be Ashton Athletic but this may not be the case in a few months. All supporters travelling to the game will be encouraged to enter into the spirit of the event and, lets face it, most of us will need some spirits before we put on our costumes!
Congleton away
As of today Congleton will be our last away game of the season so this is going to be our 'train' game. We expect the cost to be around £10 per person and more details will be announced nearer the time.
End of season Party

Sometime in May there will be an 'End of Season Party'. The format will be similar to the Christmas Party and, again, more details will be made available once we've got them.
If anyone is interested in taking part in, or helping organize, any of the above events please leave comments below.
The Congleton train game will start with breakfast in The George around 10.00