Every time someone uses Speedwellcars a large % of the profit will go to the club and, when you consider their rates are going to be considerably lower than their competitors in the Glossop area, it's a bit of a no-brainer. All Supporters Club members should support this new venture.
Quotes and bookings can be made on-line at www.speedwellcars.co.uk
We aim to offer the lowest-cost taxi and private hire services in Glossopdale and Tameside. Because we are backed by one of the area’s main bus companies Speedwellbus we can bring you fixed-fare value that “normal” taxi companies can’t match. So when you book a Speedwellcar you know in advance what the fare will be – just check our online fare-finder – and you can forget worrying about that meter clocking up! Use our “Contact Us” page for a comprehensive answer to any questions you may have.
Will certainly give it a go.