One of the most important agenda items for an Annual General Meeting relates to the election of officers. When the Supporters Club was first constituted in August 2009, the officers were elected on the basis of serving for 1 year. What we now need to do is to consider this position in accordance with our constitution.
All of the existing eight officers of the Supporters Club have indicated that they will be willing to serve for another year. To remind everybody, the elected officers of the Supporters Club are:-
Tim Barnett
Steve Dyson
Paul Eccles
Barry Mellish
Dave Ogden
Neil Rimmer
Nick Tansley
Stewart Taylor
However, we are more than happy to see if there are any members of the Supporters Club who may wish to become part of the Committee.
Should you wish to become part of the Committee certain conditions must be met:-
1) You must be a current fully paid up member of the Supporters Club.
2) You will need a proposer and a seconder who are also current fully paid up members of the Supporters Club.
3) You will need to send in to the current Secretary a short (no more that 150 words) statement to indicate why you would like to be elected as an officer and what skills you could bring to the organisation.
4) Your statement needs to be signed and dated to indicate your willingness to serve as an officer of the supporters club and sent by e-mail to the Secretary at gnesupporters@googlemail.com to arrive by Thursday 6th May 2010.
If there are no additional nominees to the Committee, the existing Committee will be re-elected. If there are nominees then an appropriate form of election will be held at the AGM.
If there are any questions or comments relating to the above, please contact any of the existing Committee members.
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